Friday 9 September 2011

"Historical Molment WW1"

Back in time 100 years to the time 1913 the war was about to start in a year but Lucky i new it was going to happen but no one else did and it was my job to make sure that couldn't happen but how is the question but then wait it came to me ill have to build a wall so none of the planes could fly but how could i build a wall like that back in the time period but suddenly i figured out i loss track of time and the war was beginning i had to stop it so i got all the Britain's capture in a huge castle that randomly popped up out of the ground next were the Germans i sunk Germany and then the Americans just sat there and did nothing so through all that it change the world nobody went to war it well change the in tire society and not as many people would ever think to have a World war again so all and all this was a successful mission to accomplish .

Friday 20 May 2011

The Road Less Travelled

 1) I think you must be passionate about the jobs because they well be there quit a while so they should like there job. they have why would they want a job if they dont like it yes there is money but still my personal prefrence i wouldent want a job i dont like and i think adults have no choice in what chices they have cause thewy need money for kids i think my mom hates her job but my dad likes his.
2) when i was 5 i wanted to be a cop i had the whoule out fit and a toy gun and stuff. but what i want to be now is a hair disigner and style peoples hair and go thro the hair dressing corse and then go off from there.

Monday 4 April 2011

Someone i know that i think should be in jail

One day i was sitting at the table with my parents drinking coffee and my mom all of a sudden burst out laughing so i proceded  to ask her "what is so funny" she said "someone you know is in jail" but she wouldn't tell me who it was so i waited  till she threw away the paper and left the room to go back and read it and i found out that it was one of my best friends from high school a kid named Ryan Killick i fell to the ground laughing and all most urinated my self. so i called his mom saying "what did he do"?and she said "assaulted a police officer, killed one of his girlfriends and also crush a guys skull with a baseball bat" i replied with my jaw hitting the ground and hanging up she phoned me back an hour later " Asking me to bail him out" i said "ill get some cash and see what i can do" so i went to my club and got some money and bailed him out it took 10,000 to bail him out so i asked him "why did you do that" he said "because i did it " so we went to my club and just drank a bunch and passed out the end.

Monday 28 February 2011

super power blog

If i could have any super power i would have the power to go back in time like be my own time travelling machine. I could go back in time and enjoy all the fun in life over and over again, Also could  go back and fix all the bad things in live that I  have done like crashing a car when i was 14 and now have to pat a 3000 dollar fine.. I would go back and spend more time with family members like a grandpa and my grandma that have passed and that i was close too, also the cool thing i could have is if someone saw me in one spot i could disappear and end up somewhere else or i could also sneak up on people. the really cool thing is you could go ahead and then now what will happen and freak people out making them think your smart.